Thursday, February 4, 2010

Winter Pruning: Time to Get ready for the Growing Season

It is that time of year. The 2010 growing season is almost here.

So what can you do to prepare?

  • Prune Trees - prune branches that are one inch or less.
  • When pruning be sure to cut at a 45 degree angle so that the remaining branch has maximum exposure to the sum. This will decrease the risk of the limb becoming infested with insects.
  • About the middle of March start deep watering your trees. Be sure to water at the perimeter of the major branches. Purchase a deep water wand at a local hardware store. The sales pros there will be able to advise you regarding a dependable wand
This will take a good portion of your day. So plan to do other projects like:

  • aerating your lawn
  • clean out flower beds
  • lightly rake up old leaves and down branches & twigs from the yard.

Get the whole family involved, it will be a good family time and the kids learn how to care for the yard.

Working together can be a lot of fun, plus a time to build into your kids lives.

More later!

For more information about tree management and landscaping call Kurt at 303-936-5150 or visit our website.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Are My Trees Posing a Hazard for My Family or Others?

Tree Hazards what are they and are my trees hazardous?

This is a great question for any tree owner to consider.  Safety for Family and neighbors really is important.  Older well established neighborhoods with mature are especially at risk for having potentially hazardous trees.

According to the Trees Are Good Web Site  identifying a hazardous tree can include the following:

  1. Are there large dead branches in the tree?
  2. Are there detached branches hanging in the tree?
  3. Does the tree have cavities or rotten wood along the trunk or in major branches?
  4. Are mushrooms present at the base of the tree?
  5. Are there cracks or splits in the trunk or where branches are attached?
  6. Have any branches fallen from the tree?
  7. Have adjacent trees fallen over or died?
  8. Has the trunk developed a strong lean?
  9. Do many of the major branches arise from one point on the trunk?
  10. Have the roots been broken off, injured, or damaged by lowering the soil level, installing pavement, repairing sidewalks, or digging trenches?
  11. Has the site recently been changed by construction, raising the soil level, or installing lawns?
  12. Have the leaves prematurely developed an unusual color or size?
  13. Have trees in adjacent wooded areas been removed?
  14. Has the tree been topped or otherwise heavily pruned?
For the homeowner with mature trees it recommended that a hazardous tree assessment is routinely conducted.  In most instances a certifed Arborist should perform the inspection.  

Identification and management of a hazardous tree is important because: 

  • maintenance will further the life of the tree
  • provide great shade and cooling summer month's
  • act as wind break
  • add value to the home. 

Most importantly properly maintained trees eliminate the opportunity for falling dead branches damaging the tree, buildings and injuring people.  

When contacting a firm to conduct a Hazardous Tree assessment be sure to use a reputable firm.

All Phase Tree  Is a Reputable service. 

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Certified Arborist: 10 Reasons for using a Tree Expert

Certified Arborist: What is that?

Well according to WikaPedia an arborist, arboriculturalist or tree surgeon is a professional in the practice of arboriculture, which is the management and maintenance of ornamental or shade trees. Work can include tree surgery and also care of shrubs, vines, and other perennial woody plants. An arborist is distinct from a forester, or from a logger. Those professions may have much in common, but the scope of work is different. Arborists frequently focus on health and safety of individual trees, or wooded landscapes, rather than managing forests or harvesting wood.

Your trees are an asset to your property and really contribute to the dollar value of your home or business. As such it just makes sense to manage and properly maintain your trees.

Reasons for tree management by a certified arborist:

  1. Properly maintained trees can help reduce/prevent damage from storms.
  2. Removal of diseased limbs and branches.
  3. Provide balance shade and light penetration in the surrounding area.
  4. Aid in temperature management of buildings especially during hot summer months.
  5. Provide beauty for property.
  6. Contribute to the overall ecological health of your neighborhood.
  7. Increase bird population and other interesting wildlife.
  8. Power line Compliance with city, county and state ordinances.
  9. Create a pleasant area for picnics/family activities.
  10. Determine if trees need fertilization or other disease prevention measures.

Managing your trees is important. Imagine a warm summer day sitting under your tree enjoying time with family. The tree protecting you from direct sunlight and at the same time providing a cool place to be.

Denver area tree service experts All Phase Tree